Automatic battery management system

What is the automatic battery management system implemented by ZCS?

The automatic depth-of-discharge (DoD) management system automatically adjusts the depth of discharge of batteries on ZCS hybrid and storage inverters, always setting the optimal depth of discharge based on data from the previous week. This system does not cause energy losses but optimizes battery operation and extends their service life.

For what purpose and when is it activated?

ZCS has introduced this system, notifying users via a pop-up in the Azzurro Systems app, and will activate it only if the customer opts to use it. The system is not a firmware update but a simple command sent to all systems connected to the app and portals, modifying the depth of discharge to increase the likelihood of batteries reaching 100%. Batteries must periodically reach 100% as, at this level, internal cells and individual modules perform essential rebalancing functions crucial for the battery’s longevity. Operating batteries at consistently low charge levels during winter months could otherwise reduce their long-term performance. Additionally, this setting minimizes the likelihood of emergency recharges triggered by very low battery voltages and eliminates the risk of battery shutdowns. During seasons with increased solar irradiation, the system will adapt dynamically, potentially deactivating entirely when no longer needed.

How does the automatic management system work?

Based on data from previous days, the system calculates the optimal depth-of-discharge percentage to ensure the battery can reach 100% in subsequent days. This means users may observe their batteries halting discharge at percentages different from the typical 10% or 20% settings.

Does this system cause energy loss?

The system does not cause any energy loss. For example, consider a battery that, due to limited sunlight, does not exceed 50% charge for a week. The system will adjust the battery to operate between 70% and 100% instead of 20% to 50%. The utilized energy will remain at 30%. Once the battery reaches 100%, the system adjusts the depth of discharge to allow for deeper discharge and resumes using the battery’s full swing range. A battery already reaching high charge levels will not be affected by this dynamic adjustment. By avoiding emergency recharges due to low battery levels and eliminating the risk of shutdowns from low voltage, the system provides significant energy and cost benefits.

Does the warranty change based on the system’s presence or absence?

ZCS guarantees are technical rather than functional, so the presence or absence of this system does not affect the terms or conditions of the warranty.